As the years at college went by, the radios were even nicer each new year. ( to really bug you and make you drool more, they also had the latest Japanese and German 35mm rangefinder cameras – in leather cases as well).

The boarders being mostly from somewhat more affluent families would suddenly appear carrying Nationals, Sharps etc etc shortwave portables – all in lovely real leather cases. As a day boy at a boarding college in the South Island of NZ – parents and sports day were to be “hated” by some of us “the lower caste ones”. Just posting an addition to my vintage radio collection I bought this recently from a clothing op shop.Of all the places I did not expect to find this there.Its the Sony ICF 5800H.10 transistors,5 transistors for aux inputs/outputs,1 ic,and 1 fet.The case was in a very dirty condition.The battery compartment was badly corroded.One knob missing.The speaker had dead moths in it.The rotary tuning dial was slipping,the fast and slow tuning knob was stuck solid.So I took it all apart,every screw bell and whistle.I cleaned it all up,put new battery contacts in,found a spare knob and freed up the fast/slow tuning stage.It acturaly has a “Spring loaded” antenna,that when you press a button at the top of the case,it shoots the telescopic antenna out.Never seen that befor.It acturaly has a BFO.But unfortunitly for Sony in this case,even with very slow tuning,the BFO is a waste of time!!This radio was not designed for SSB everdently.I cant post a photo of it here,maybe SWLing post will devalope the page/blob so that we can post photos of our radios with our comments in the near future.Īh! the 1960’s.

Hi Robin.Yes you may post or down load as many pics as you wish.Ive just taken some fresh ones of the PYE CADDY for you,with alot more detail.The small township of Waihi is in the Northisland of New Zealand,radio factory long closed it’s doors when Philips took over.But now Philips are long gone as well.The building still stands and is now used for other purposes.Waihi township is a Gold Mineing town of which Gold is still mined.Down under here in little old NZ,Transistor radios of any nature are very hard to find,espeicaly the small pocket versions.Ive tried to collect the early AM type only,most still work.But unfortunitly I think we were about the last on the globe to get these in the shops from Japan etc.Only a very few were ever made here.The capacitors are still like new in most I have and receiption is A1.In fact I find they still pull in the most distant stations far better than this modern stuff.So I continue to collect them,but as I said,they are very hard to find espeicaly these days.I’ll post them directly to Swling post so look out for them,I see I cant post them on here.Cheers.